DP Artworks rubber stamps

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Soooooooooo….who Max and what’s that book in your hand?


   So, here is my Max and a few of my friends travel buddies

                                  Max goes everywhere with me.

  He’s in my bag now.

 He has been to Europe several times and travels with me on all my adventures.

If you know me you’ve seen my Max.

Max is the boy in the book, Where the wild things are.  Written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak (it won the Caldecott Medal in 1964). In the story he is a brave independent free spirit…growing up that made an incredible impression on me.

Every summer we ‘lived’ at our local library. Hours upon  hours surrounded by books, story time, films, puppet shows, felt story boards, records, film strips, movies, and slide shows all filled these hours. My sister and I are two of the lucky ones; both our parents are avid readers. It was also free….and that was a good thing.

It blows my mind how many people (my friends) do not know who Max is, what made the sound ku-plink, ku-plank, ku-plunk, what the rest of Tikki Tikki Tembo’s name is, who Ping is and where he lived, what was seen on Mulberry Street, the joy Peter got in the snow, and the incredible friendship of blue and yellow ( I could go on, hundreds of examples rush to my mind).

In a way books had a large part in raising me, the authors, illustrators, publishers, characters,and librarians ( the list is endless). As a teacher I tried to pass this love of books on to them. It’s crazy to think now, but some of my students are parents. I have kept up with many of them on facebook. I wonder how much, if any, of my love of books was passed on…..I may never know.

Sooooo……. now you know (probably more than you wanted to) about Max….and who he is. And just a wee bit more about me…..(she curtseys and walks slowly away from her soapbox)