DP Artworks rubber stamps

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Reflections of….


This cute Killdeer was on the hunt for treats and eats. It was at the archery range at the lake (Lake Thunderbird). Often times I will see butterflies at the puddles taking in the sodium and minerals that the male will then pass to the females…
I was hoping to see a Bunting today…but alas, it was not in the cards.

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Who’s da bomb?!?


Congratulations to our Deena, who was chosen Sales Associate of the Year! Each year, our Franchise Support Center acknowledges an employee within the Wild Birds Unlimited system across the United States and Canada. The employee who is chosen must demonstrate superior skills in salesmanship, customer service, the ability to go above and beyond all aspects of the position and has made a unique diffe…rence within the store. As all of you who have met Deena, know that she meets all of the criteria and then some. I nominated Deena for Sales Associate of the Year because she truly is an outstanding employee. She has a passion for birds, people, numerous hobbies, teaching almost anything and her ability to achieve the most out of life. Her work ethic is to be admired by many and her dedication to our customers is like none I have ever seen. Congratulations Deena!!